Nine years ago, Visagio began its history in Australia. Even though we had just begun our Down Under journey, one thing was obvious: Connecting students to the industry was a key component of achieving success in our mission. This is why we started our partnership with UWA Career Mentor Link. Over the years, this partnership has grown, and many Visagians have acted as mentors.
Last night, the 29th of October, Wilson Casado, one of our Managing Partners, spoke to more than 100 mentees and mentors about his experience as a mentor. “It’s a two-way relationship. I always say that this program is not about the mentor, it is about the mentee. And I always learn something from them.”
Opening the night, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Education, David Sadler, highlighted the importance of Visagio’s support. “The Career Mentor Link has been running for 17 years, and Visagio has been a partner for nine years. Without Visagio’s generous support, the Career Mentor Link would not achieve the longevity and the success that it has.”